
阅读理解;阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 Invitation(邀请) to a going-away party Wednesday, 17 May Dear Lucy and Jack, You are invited to a farewell(告别) for the “White family’s visit to Africa”.    Departure(离开) Date: 6 July     The best part of their big adventure(冒险) to Africa will be when they come face-to-face with lions, elephants and other African wildlife. They have always wanted to do this. Party given by: Mr. and Mrs. White, Eric and Tom Date: Saturday, 8 June.            在区间[0,1]上任取两个数a,b,方程x2+ax+b2=0的两根均为实数的概率为(  )A.18B.14C.12D.34
英语 试题推荐