
 近日,一部韩国MV《江南Style》爆红网络,韩国歌手朴载相(PSY)以自创的马式舞步、节奏感强烈的音乐和夸张的肢体表演让多国观众为之疯狂。《江南Style》所带来的影响不仅仅限于对韩国流行音乐,还有对韩国软实力的提升。专家们分析这个神曲带来启示之一是文化推广要尽量减少文化障碍,《江南Style》用一种国际通用的方式表现了全球中产阶级成年人的一种生活状态;另一个启示就是,国家形象的推广可能并不一定需要大而全式的东西,类似听下面一段材料,回答第1至3题。  1. How long has the man stayed in the hotel by now?  A. As long as fifteen minutes.  B. Less than ten minutes.  C. Less than a quarter.  2. Why does the man complain to the receptionist?  A. Something wrong with his room.  B. Something wrong with water supply in his bathroom.  C. Something wrong with the door of his bathroom.  3. What does the hotel most want to get at present according to the conversation?  A. Lots of labor force.  B. Many visitors and guests.  C. Money to hire more workers.  
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