
        In the Tibetan language, Guozhuang dance means singing and dancing in a circle..     It is very popular in Tibet and places like Yunnan, Qinghai and Gansu    61    Tibetans     live,          In the dance, men and women of an equal number form a circle hand in hand with      one. person    62  (act) as the leading dancer.  The whole song begins with slow part.     and gradually  63    (turn) fast. Men always take the first lines of lyrics(抒情歌),     64  women reply.  The dance involves repeated    65    (music)dia乙、丙两村图上距离为2厘米,实地距离约为2千米,该图的比例尺是A.图上1厘米代表实地距离1米B.1:1000C.1:100000D.
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