
阅读理解   At school many things happen to us. We may feel excited when we have success in a school play. We may feel sorry if we lose an important game. We want to keep the memory for the rest of our lives.     How to keep the memory? Our English teacher, Miss Wang, has taught us a good way of remembering things to make our own yearbook. What is a yearbook? A yearbook is a kind of book which is used to keep the memory of exciting moments. It's usually made at the end of the year.     Last December, we began to make our yearbook. First we chose the persons who had done something sp如图表示某植物根尖细胞的亚显微结构示意图.据图回答下列问题:(1)可以代表洋葱根尖分生区细胞的是图 ,参与图中标号6所示结构的形成的重要细胞器是 .某一兴趣小组的同学在研究洋葱根尖细胞的分裂中,把该细胞器加以破坏,则细胞分裂后,得到的子细胞可能出现 .(2)细胞进行下列各种生命活动,正常情况下图甲细胞 ,图乙细胞 (填编号)①不增殖      ②能继续增殖      ③细胞核DNA只转录不复制④合成蛋白质   ⑤出现染色体结构  ⑥有mRNA经核孔进入细胞质中.
英语 试题推荐