
阅读理解 阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。When we talked about intelligence(智力), we d o not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kind of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.For example, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might ha某同学为测定空气里氧气的含量,设计了下图所示的实验装置.该同学在“化学性质稳定的金属梯”的每一步的凹处放置一颗用滤纸吸干水后的白磷,用放大镜会聚6V手电筒光于靠近水面的一步“金属梯”处的白磷上.(白磷极易燃烧,燃烧现象、反应和红磷一样)请回答下列问题:(1)整个实验过程中,可观察到的现象是_______________________;该反应的符号表达式为:_________________________。(2)“金属梯”的每一步上都放置一小颗白磷与只靠近水面的一步“金属梯”处放一大颗白磷相比,优点是 __________________ ;(3)解释冷却到室温后所产生现象的原因______________ .
英语 试题推荐