
第二节  写作:(满分25分) 假如你叫张华,今年高三毕业。下面四幅图描述了你在暑假期间遇到了同学李明,绰号叫淘淘皮。你们谈起了暑假的计划。请你用英语写一篇短文,叙述谈话的内容,并简要地阐为什么不去旅游呢? 答案:One day during the summer holidays, I met my classmate Li Ming , whose nickname is Tao taopi . We chatted for a while as we walked. I asked him where he would go during the holidays. He replied that he had to stay at home studying. Then I’d like to know why he didn’t go out for a tour. Much to my surprise, he told me that it was just because he failed to be accepted by key universities. In my 要将基因型为AaBB的生物,培育出以下基因型的生物: ①AaBb;②AaBBC;③AAaaBBBB;④aB。则对应的育种方法依次是 A.诱变育种、转基因技术、细胞融合、花药离体培养 B.杂交育种、花药离体培养、转基因技术、多倍体育种 C.花药离体培养、诱变育种、多倍体育种、转基因技术 D.多倍体育种、花药离体培养、诱变育种、转基因技术
英语 试题推荐