
词形变化 1. All the students were asked to take off their shoes before _____________(进入) the laboratory. 2. This question is ___________ (相当)easier and everyone can answer it. 3. The 15th ___________ (亚洲的)Games was held in Doha, 2006 and Chinese Team achieved 165 gold medals in the game. 4. If you find anything _______(异常), please tell the police at once. 5.The person who speaks        (反对)you is not always your enemy. 6. It is well-known that no ______(指纹) are the same in the world. 7. Don’t make yourself get into bad            一行星绕恒星作圆周运动.由天文观测可得,其运动周期为T,速度为v,引力常量为G,则(  )A.恒星的质量为v3T2πGB.行星的质量为4π2v3GT2C.行星运动的轨道半径为vT2πD.行星运动的加速度为2πvT
英语 试题推荐