
结合材料回答下列问题: 材料一:左图“福建省地图”、右图“泉州市地图”。 (1)     乌龙茶起源于福建,是中国茶的代表。分析说明福建种植乌龙茶的有利自然条件。   材料二:2011年3月14日,国务院正式批复了国家发改委上报的《海峡西岸经济区发展规划》。海峡西岸经济区包括福建省全境以及浙、粤、赣三省部分地区,其在全国区域经济发展布局中处于重要位置。目前台资企业占福建外资企业总数的21%,投资总额达86.05亿美元。 (2)分单词拼写:(每小题一分,共10分) Fire d_____________ several stores in the business district. What’s her a____________ towards the plan? Is she for or against? You should not talk about things that don’t c___________ you. He is going to make a long j_____________. G______________ from our school are working all over the island. Dogs _____________(认出) people by their smell. It was really very dangerous; you might have __________(伤害)him seriously. For him, this will be an ___________ (完全地) new hobby. Have you made the examination _________________(日程表)? The city lay in _______________(废墟) after the earthquake.
地理 试题推荐