
On my way home after school there had an accident. A heavy truck hit a bike, caused the young woman on the bike fall to the ground heavily. As a result, one of her legs broken. Bloodwas running down his leg. A lot of people stood by watching, but everybody gave her a hand. I hurriedly stopped a passed car, and the driver and I carried the injury woman into the car. Then we took her to the hospital of nearby. The doctors treated her in time and she is soon out of danger.下列关于八股取士的表述,不正确的是A.考试只许在四书五经的范围内命题B.考试命题依据四书五经,但不拘泥于四书五经C.应考者不能自由发挥D.答题必须按照八个连续的部分进行
英语 试题推荐