
根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. Lots of p_________ are getting on the bus, and it looks crowded. 2. I would like to go to your house, but I don’t know your a_______. 3. There is nobody on the playground. It’s e_______. 4. The instructions were written in _______ (简单的)English. 5. To my surprise, Mrs Li_______ (未出席)the flower show last Sunday. 答案:1. passengers   2. address   3. empty   4. insimple   5. missed4、搞某一市场调查,规定在大都会商场门口随机抽一个人进行询问调查,直到调查到事先规定的调查人数为止,这种抽样方式是(  )A、系统抽样B、分层抽样C、简单随机抽样D、非以上三种抽样方法
英语 试题推荐