
The secretary is very careful and never ________ any little points in her daily work. A.overcomes                       B.overlooks C.refuses                         D.denies 答案:Pride and Prejudice for the Modern Woman Let us imagine how Pride and Prejudice,Jane Austen's most famous work,might be updated,200 years on. Austen's popularity is rooted in her intelligence.But today she would certainly have had a very different life,as would her characters.Here's my own suggestion... It is a truth finally and universally acknowledged that a single woman with brains d设随机变量ξ服从正态分布N(0,1),P(ξ>1)=p,则P(-1<ξ<0)等于(  ) A、12pB、1-pC、1-2pD、12-p
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