
下列对动植物克隆所用技术与原理不相符的是A.胰蛋白酶处理――酶的专一性B.动物细胞培养――细胞的全能性C.植物体细胞培养愈伤组织――脱分化D.诱导愈伤组织再生新植株――再分化  答案:BB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)Throughout history there have been stories about how clever or brave animals can be. Take, for example, all the films about animals making _______ journeys to find their owners after they’ve become lost. But dogs are also skilled at getting people to feel sorry for them and give them food!One dog has show himself to be _________ good at both finding his way around and getting food. Every morning Rusty, the dog goes down to his local railway station. He boards the train and then rides into the city centre. When he gets there, Rusty jumps off the train and goes off to the shops. He always goes around all his favourite _________ shops. First shop is a corner shop, where he has biscuits that the owner gives him for breakfast. Then late in the morning, Rusty goes over to the restaurant owner, where he gets something for his lunch. When he’s eaten everything, Rusty makes his way home on the train. When Rusty first started making this trip, station staff _________ to allow him to get on the train without anyone to accompany him or buy a ticket for him. But then they felt sorry for him and have now given him the permission to take the train, because they’ve been so impressed by his cleverness at finding his way around the city’s complicated transport system without getting lost._________, once Rusty worried all his friends in the city by failing to appear at his favourite eating places for several days. This started a search for the missing dog, and his pictures were shown on TV and the Internet. Rusty finally returned to find he’d become a TV star. ‘He’s obviously been off on a(n) _________,’ said one TV viewer, ‘but Rusty’s not telling anyone what he’s been up to !;【1】A.boringB.amazingC.similarD.regular【2】A.likelyB.actuallyC.immediatelyD.especially【3】A.toyB.foodC.petD.gift【4】A.expectedB.plannedC.refusedD.forgot【5】A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.What’s moreD.Above all【6】A.picnicB.holidayC.exerciseD.adventure
生物 试题推荐