
To son, Cecil,        Just a quick note before I start in earnest. When I wrote this, you were 8, still a little boy. In 2002, I was called to active duty in the Marine Corps in the war on Terrorism (恐怖主义). On the 11th of September 2001 when America was attacked, I knew that I would eventually(最终) have to go and I was filled with a deep sense of sadness. That night as you and Keiko were asleep, I looked at your little faces and couldn’t help but fight the tears. I knew it would be hard for you because I had a similar experience. When I was a little boy aged 6, my d3、阅读下面这首诗,然后回答问题。 邯郸冬至夜思家         自居易 邯郸驿里逢冬至,抱膝灯前影伴身。 想得家中夜深坐,还应说着远行人。 [注]冬至:二十四节气之一,唐朝时是一个重要节日,朝庭放假,民间互赠饮食,穿新衣.贺节。 ①简析“抱膝灯前影伴身”一句,并说出当时作者怀有一种什么样的心情。 ②诗最后的“远行人”指代:________________.
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