
阅读理解:先阅读图表或短文,然后从每小题的四个选项中选出一个与图表或短文内容相符的正确答案。 We have all kinds of clubs in our school. Please come and join us! Do you want to be a musician? Do you like playing instruments? Join the new MUSIC CLUB! Mondays 5~7 pm School Hall Mrs. FanGirl's Basketball Team Please come for extra practice! Tuesday and Thursday 4 pm at the gym Miss Miao Basketball Coach Are you interested in ping­pong? Why not join the Ping­pong Club? We meet every Wednesday. 3 pm at the gym For more information Ask Mr. LiuDo you 网上报道某公司非法使用草甘膦转基因大豆.草甘膦的化学式(C3H8NO5P)是一种有机磷除草剂,白色晶体,易溶于水、乙醇等,不可燃,常温下稳定.计算;(1)一个草甘膦分子中含有的原子个数为______(2)草甘膦中元素的质量比为C:H:O:N:P______(3)33.8克草甘膦中含有多少克磷元素?(写出计算步骤,计算结果精确到0.1g)
英语 试题推荐