
Tips for waiting in line We’ve all been there – when lining up at the supermarket checkout counter, the lines next to us always seem to be moving faster than the one we are standing in.  37. . It has also offered tips on picking the fastest line. ●38. A cart (购物车) full of items doesn’t tell the whole story. Every person requires a fixed amount of time to say hello, pay, say goodbye and clear out of the lane. And that amount of time is an average of 41 seconds per person. 39. . This means if there are five people ahead of you, each with 10 items in their carts, the 读图,回答问题。   (1)写出图中字母处的铁路线的名称:A________,B________,C________,D________,E________,F________。   (2)A铁路建设的重大意义有:①________;②________;③________。  
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