
下图表示绿色植物叶肉细胞内发生的光合作用和有氧呼吸的过程,图中a、b为光合作用的原料,①-④表示相关过程,据图回答:  ⑴a代表的物质的名称分别是:              。 ⑵图中①②③④过程进行的场所分别是                ;          ;              ;                   。 ⑶光合作用过程中 H 来源于①过程中                   ,用于③过程               。 ⑷在有氧呼吸的第一阶段,阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正误。A lot of earthquakes happen in the world every year. Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists tell us the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates (板块). The plates move very slowly. Sometimes they stop and don't move for a long time. When some of the earth's plates move suddenly, an earthquake happens.Many earthquakes happen under the sea. Sometimes they happen near mountains. In fact, earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth.During an earthquake, the shaking makes rocks rise suddenly and even break openly. Houses fall. People are killed or hurt. Sometimes whole villages or cities are destroyed.Scientists have studied earthquakes and made maps that show "earthquake belts". In the areas in these belts, it's possible for earthquakes to happen. In these areas we can make houses strong enough to sand against earthquakes.In the future, scientists will be able to predict(预言) exactly when and where an earthquake will happen. They can tell us what to do and how to do as well.(1)Few earthquakes happen in the world every year.(2)The outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates.(3)We can do nothing to keep ourselves safe from earthquake.(4)A map showing the earthquake belts tells people what kind of houses can stand in an earthquake.(5)In the future, scientists can predict exactly when and where an earthquake will happen.
生物 试题推荐