
下列作品、作家、时代(国别)搭配有误的一组是(        ) A. 《桃花源记》              陶渊明          东晋 B. 《陋室铭》                刘禹锡          唐代 C. 《爱莲说》                周敦颐          北宋 D. 《望岳》                  杜甫            宋朝 完形填空。      Winter comes! In China winter lasts (持续) from about November to January of    1   .      Someone says people don't like winter, because it's too cold outside. But many young people and children    2   it very much.      It often snows    3   in winter. When    4  , most of the children    5  . They go out of their houses and play outside. The trees are white, the houses are white, and the land is    6  . The children make snowmen (雪人).    7   snowmen stand    8  . Many young people like to    9   in the white world (世界).     I like winter,  10  ? (     )1. A. last year                (     )2. A. don't like               (     )3. A. in North China           (     )4. A. it's raining            (     )5. A. like to play at home                     C. would like to be at home (     )6. A. all white                (     )7. A. Few                      (     )8. A. inside the houses                       C. on the trees            (     )9. A. play                    (     )10. A. are you                  B. last month                   B. like                         B. in South China               B. it's windy                   B. don't like to go out         D. would not like to be at home B. clean                        B. Many                         B. outside the houses           D. in the middle of streets    B. swim                         B. do you                       C. the next year    C. show             C. in Shanghai      C. it's snowing   C. not all white     C. Much            C. sing              C. and you        D. the next month    D. guess             D. in HongKong       D. it's cold       D. not clean          D. Little           D. fish               D. aren't you    
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