
I hear a lot of people talking about New Year’s resolutions(新年计划).Some say, “I can’t keep them and I never make resolutions.” Perhaps the real   41   is that we have trouble changing.We get   42   in our way of life and even if things aren’t good,    43   they are familiar. As the years go by, our resolutions seem to lose some   44  .In spite of the fact that my own eagerness seems to   45  , I still like the idea of making resolutions.It is the   46   of not giving up that is important. I think of the year   47   like a c 先填空,再求出每个数列的一个通项公式. (1)________,1,,,…; (2)2,________,1,,…; (3)2,1,________,,…; (4),,________,,….
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