
“神舟六号”飞船于北京时间2005年10月12日9时在酒泉(约990E.400N)卫星发射中心升空。10月17日4时32分,飞船返回舱在内蒙古中部草原安全着陆。 “神舟六号”飞船返回舱在内蒙古安全着陆时,太阳直射点位于(    )        A.东半球           B.西半球                C.北半球           D.赤道Lost and Found Found Is this your watch ? Please call Sayy at 4969595FoundAre these your keys? Please call Kate. Her phone number is 5947652Lost I lost my dictionary in the classroom. It’s red. Call Alan at 48235874LostMy cat is black and white. Please call Annie at 857416861.Here are ______ notices(启示)in the Lost &Found box.A. two B. three C. four D. five2.You lost your keys. You may call ________.A. 5947652 B. 4969595 C. 48235874 D. 857416863.Alan lost his _______.A. watch B. dictionary C. keys D. cat4._______ lost a cat.A. Sally B. Annie C. Kate D. Alan
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