
原创阅读 。 Walking barefoot (赤脚地) on fresh grass is a wonderful experience for most of us. But there is very little grass in the city.3.We__can__only__enjoy__it__when__we__go__for__a__picnic__in__the__countryside. Now there is good news! An American company, KUSA, has developed a new kind of flip­flops (人字拖鞋). This kind of flip­flops can make people feel as if they were walking on grass. In fact, the “grass” in the flip­flops is not real grass, and it is a kind of man­made grass. KUSA says, “We use the highest quality material to take the place of real gra19.阅读下面文字,按要求答题    有梦想的人是幸福的,有梦想的民族是有力量的。放眼望去,一个多彩而凝重、和谐而华美的中国梦,向我们每一个人正在招手 A   中国梦是多彩的,是一道五彩缤纷的虹,yáo yè多姿,xuàn làn夺目;        ;中国梦是和谐的,是一副温暖xì nì的画,浓淡相宜,清新秀丽。(1)按拼音写汉字yáo  yè摇曳               xuàn  làn绚烂                xì  nì细腻(2)A处的标点是:(3)仿照语段中画横线的句子,补写句子,写在下面要求句式相同,语意连贯。
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