
补全对话;请从方框中选用适当的句子完成下面的对话。 A.      Did you eat something bad? B.      What did the doctor say? C.      You should go to the doctor. D.     He told me that I should eat less meat and more vegetables. E.      I have a stomachache. Mary: What’s the matter with you, Alex? Alex: _1_____ Mary: I’m sorry to hear that. _2_____. Alex: No. But I ate a roast duck (烤鸭) Mary: Oh, that’s too oily (油腻的). _3_____. Alex: I have. Mary: _4____. Alex: He said I had eaten too much fatty food. And he gave me some medici下列句子所用修辞手法与例句不同的一项是 [     ]例句:轻篙一撑,船如箭发,开往下游。A.男娃是个宝,女娃是根草。B.天上雁鹅排对排,扯烂衣裳不分开。C.鸟儿归巢,鸭子归棚,一群群携儿带子回家中。D.小猫小狗,油水不多。我看干脆放开手脚,牵一大户人家的肥猪儿。
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