
下列属于先天性行为的是                               (    )  A.蚕吐丝     B.狗拉雪撬     C.马拉车    D.猴子剥花生  答案:A解析:蚕吐丝是是生来就有的由动物的遗传物质所决定的行为,叫做先天性行为,狗拉雪撬、马拉车、猴子剥花生这些行为是在遗传因素的基础上,通过环境因素的作用,由生活经验和学习获得的行为。又叫做学习行为。 When people ask how many languages I speak,I reply I have forgotten six.That's the problem with languages: if you don't use them you lose them.But a little practice soon brings them back and you can once again enjoy the magic of talking to others in their own language and on their own terms.I was a disaster at languages at school.I obtained 5 out of 200 in zero level French-an all time record.I was badly taught and I could never see the point.But as a young Royal Navy soldier to Singapore in the early 1960s,I heard that in Malay there was one word for "let's take off our clothes and tell dirty stories".Suddenly I saw the point.I never found the word,but in the process I learnt my first language.In the mid-60s,I was sent to the deep jungle among the local people.In their long-houses there were dried human heads hanging from the frames of the houses.I decided I would feel more comfortable if I knew their language too.Not long after that,I spent two years learning official Chinese language in Hong Kong.One day,at a party with fellow students and teachers I tried to make a small talk with my female Chinese teacher."Have you ever flown in planes?" However,with my terrible Chinese tones,I made a mistake by asking "Have you by any chance sat upon a flying cock?" So you can imagine how I really felt inside my mind at that moment!You know what it means by speaking in such an uncomfortable tune to a female teacher!Then I changed my languages and chatted with her in German,French and Russian in brief.God Heavens!My female Chinese teacher finally reacted and turned her red face to normal!Indeed this is the only time in my adult life when I haven't been learning a language.Languages have changed my life-and enriched it.And I think they can change yours too.1.In the writer's eyes,the loss of using a language can be obtained .A. by practicing it more oftenB. from a zero level recordC. by learning the pointsD. from a Chinese teacher2.The writer was not very good at languages at school because .A. he hated speaking Chinese with female peopleB. he didn't learn languages very effectivelyC. his French tests were always a zero recordD. his Chinese teachers taught him in a bad way3.The mistake with the female teacher at the party .A. would make the writer more confident of his Chinese levelB. would certainly bring the writer a severe punishmentC. brought the writer into a very embarrassing situationD. would make her think highly of his Chinese level4.The writer turned to other languages to talk to his teacher in order to .A. warn people not to make any mistakes in official languageB. advise people to try using more languages to talk with othersC. suggest a diversity of changes of languages in people's lifeD. relieve the tense atmosphere to make her relaxed
生物 试题推荐