
词与短语填空 Pay,    spend,  climb,   heavy,   in front of,   warm    1.The bag is so ______ .I have to ask someone for help. 2.These young men always _______ the mountains on weekends. 3.Old people usually enjoy the _______ sunshine in winter. 4.There are many trees _______ our classroom. 5.He must _______ for the meal in the restaurant. 答案:1.heavy 2. climb 3. warm 4. in front of 5. pay下列句子成语运用有误的一项A. 从燕子呢喃到荷花盛开,从鸣蝉噤声到大地沉寂,大自然年年如是,周而复始,生生不息。B. 那些门和窗尽量工细绝不庸俗,虽然简朴却别有用心。C. 因救学生而双腿截肢的张丽莉老师,成为我国家喻户晓的“最美的女教师”D. 近日,游客在埃及神庙刻“到此一游”的事件在网络上引发了热议,人们对这种不文明的行为深恶痛疾
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