
湿空气和干空气的垂直递减率是不同的,湿空气的垂直递减率要小一些,因为湿空气上升时水汽会产生凝结,而水分凝结是释放热量的过程,抵消了部分因上升所引起的降温。读下图回答下题。 若d点气温为26℃,a点气温为30℃,d、c两点高度相同,b点的温度为10℃,c点温度为30℃,则背面坡与a点相同高度的点气温约为(    ) A.35℃                  B.30℃                    C.25℃                   D.34℃ 选用方框中的句子,完成下列对话 Simon:Our team won the basketball final today! Linda:That’s great! I planned to go to see the final but didn’t go in the end.  1   Simon:Yes, I really enjoyed myself.  2   Linda:I decided to stay home and pack my bags instead.So   3  . Simon:Well, the other team was very fast and strong.Our team played badly at first but got better in the second half.Oh, Linda, I think you should go to the airport now.  4   Linda:Yes, you’re right.I hope to see you again soon.  5   Simon:OK.thanks for keeping the secret for me.  6  
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