
下列有关文学常识的表述,有误的一项是(    ) A.《诗经》是我国第一部诗歌总集,收入自西周初年至春秋中叶五百多年的诗歌300余首,是我国现实主义文学的源头。 B.唐代著名诗人白居易,倡导“新乐府”运动,创作了不少感叹时事反映人民疾苦的诗篇,其代表人作有《卖炭翁》《琵琶行》等。 C.《牡丹亭》是明代戏剧家汤显祖的杰出代表作,作品通过杜丽娘和柳梦生生死离合的爱情故事,呼唤个性解放,感人至深。 D.俄国著名作家欧·亨DearFutureMe,At this moment ,you are taking the final English exam. I hope you will try your best to _______ the test papers well. After the Spring festival, almost about three months, you will face one of the greatest_______ in your life. You are leaving school and stepping into a _______ world. You'll be able to enter a fantastic high school. Are you nervous? Keep clam and study harder. _______ you have a strong will, I’m sure you will pass all your _______.I'm writing this letter to remind you again of all the things_______ you wanted to do before. I want you to make sure that before you leave school, you'll _______your dream as Footballer of the School. Remember that you wanted to be a famous singer? Well, I hope you'll win the first place in the school _______show next term.If you've done_______you wanted to do, you'll now be a popular and clever student, with a bright future ahead of you.Don't let ________down! Come on!Your sincerely, Li Lei【1】A.copyB.completeC.correct【2】A.challengesB.interviewsC.punishments【3】A.boringB.dangerousC.new【4】A.As long asB.As soon asC.As well as【5】A.surveysB.regretsC.exams【6】A.whatB.thatC.who【7】A.realizeB.come trueC.give up【8】A.talkB.gameC.talent【9】A.somethingB.nothingC.anything【10】A.themB.meC.him
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