
阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Mike eats eggs and toast(烤面包片) with butter and jam(果酱) for breakfast, but Ted has a piece of cheese, toast and a glass of orange juice. Mike has spaghetti and cheese for lunch and fruit for dessert(甜点). For lunch Ted eats chicken, rice and vegetables. He doesn’t eat dessert. Mike has soup(汤), steak(牛排), potatoes, carrots and ice cream for dinner, but Ted has steak and peas.    Ted doesn’t eat a lot, but he eats good food. Is Mike fat? No, he isn’t. He has to eat a lot. He pl有一盏电灯,它的电阻是10Ω,在正常工作时它两端的电压应该是6V。(1)要把它接到电压为9V的电源上,至少应给它串联一个多大的电阻?(2)该电阻消耗的电功率是多少?(不考虑温度对电阻的影响)
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