
2009年10月24日下午2时15分,长江大学十多名大学生手拉手结成人链扑进江中营救两名落水少年。陈及时、何东旭、方招3名大学生则不幸被江水吞没,英勇献身。他们这种“人链精神”感动了中国。回答下题 某网络论坛就长江大学学生寒江结梯施救2名落水少年而献出3条年轻生命的事件展开热烈讨论。对于大学生“3命换2命”的壮举,有人认为值得,应该大力提倡,有人认为不值得,不宜提倡。网民的这一争论表明 A.对一个人的价值评价主要应看其物 用方框内所给词语的适当形式填空。 be filled with   go off        pull through  depend on    suffer from on one's own      be up to       take up   at the moment   carry on 1. Don't talk loudly because he is busy doing homework_________.2. Those old books ________________ too much room, but I don't know what to do with them.3. Although it was noisy outside, he __________ playing the piano.4. After the accident,Christopher Reeve was not expected to _______,but he made it.5. Mike often__________ a bad cold.6. We have solved the problems_________.7. — What ______ you_____ this weekend?    — Don't ask,Tom. I have lots of work to do.8. The living cost you pay ________ where you live.9. The alarm clock suddenly ____________ and he jumped out of his bed at once.10. As a housewife, my days _____________ cooking and cleaning.
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