
One morning Mrs Petty said to her husband, “Jack, there’s a meeting of our Ladies Club at Mrs Young’s house at lunchtime today, and I want to go there. I’ll leave you some food for your lunch. Is that all right?“Oh, yes.” her husband answered, “That’s quite all right. What are you going to leave for my lunch?”“This tin of fish.” Mrs Petty said, “And there are some eggs and vegetables and some bread here, too.”“Good.” said Mr Petty. Then Mrs Petty went to her meetings. All the ladies had lunch at Mrs Young’s house and at 3 o’clock Mrs Petty came home.“Was you一个圆柱形水槽,里面盛满24升水,如果把一块与圆柱形水槽内部等底等高的圆锥形铁块放入水槽中,水槽中还有________升水.
英语 试题推荐