
恩格斯曾说:“文艺复兴”这个名字并没有把这个时代充分表达出来,是因为 A它没有把古代希腊、罗马的文化全部复兴起来    B它没有将古代文化古为今用 C它没有准确地揭示这场运动的实质是思想解放运动D它只是打着“复兴古典文化”的旗号 答案:C五、阅读短文,选择正确答案。         Jack is a lovely boy. He is four years old. His birthday is on the third of March. He usually has a birthday party with his family and friends. His cousin Ben,comes to his birthday party every year. He always gives Jack some lovely things. Today,Jack has his birthday party. They play games together happily. Soon,they want to play with balloons,but there are no balloons at the party. Ben says to Jack ,“Here's a box for you. Open it!” Jack opens it and says, “Oh,look,they’re balloons. They are so nice. We can play with balloons now. Thank you,Ben."() 1. How old is Jack?   A. 5.   B. 6.   C. 4.() 2. When is Jack's birthday?   A. It's on the thirteenth of March. B. It's on the 3rd of March.   C. It's on the fourth of March.() 3. What do they do at the party?   A. They play games. B. They play with balloons. C. Both A and   B.() 4. What's in the box?   A. There are some balloons. B. There are some balls.   C. There are some sweets.
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