
You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes’ break. But when the bell for the next class rings, you can’t believe how quickly time has passed. If you have this experience, you’ll know how time flies when you are having fun and drags when you are bored. Now scientists have come up with a reason why this happens. They have found that the brain changes its way to work according to how we direct our attention to a task. When we are bored, we pay more attention to how time is passing. And this makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly. Recently some researche下列学术观点与科学家相匹配的是①“人的结构和其他动物一样,尤其和猿更接近” ②“物质的力借以表现出的各种形式,都有一个共同的起源”    ③“太阳居宇宙的中心,地球和其他行星都绕太阳运行” ④“一切物体皆有其引力,而且与各自所含的质量成正比”A.①达尔文②法拉第③爱因斯坦④牛顿B.①达尔文②法拉第③哥白尼④牛顿C.①拉马克②牛顿③爱因斯坦④伽利略D.①拉马克②牛顿③普朗克④伽利略
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