
阅读下表,回答问题。 世界观方法论 物质决定意识要坚持一切从实际出发 意识决定物质一切从原则出发 矛盾有特殊性要坚持具体问题具体分析 事物是普遍联系的要坚持联系的观点 什么是世界观?什么是方法论?上表体现出二者的关系是怎样的? 答案:(6分)①世界观是人们对整个世界以及人与世界关系的根本观点和根本看法。(2分)方法论是人们认识世界和改造世界的根本原则和根本方法。(2分)②上表体现出世界观决定方法论,方法论体现世界观。一般说来,有什么样的世界观就有什么样的方法论。(2分)。   Across from my home,there is a field with two horses in it. It seems that each horse looks like any other far away. But if you get a closer look,you will see the bigger horse is blind.   But if you stand nearby and listen,you will hear the sound of a bell. It is coming from the neck of the smaller horse in the field. It lets the blind friend know where the other horse is,so he can follow him.   As you stand and watch these two friends,you’ll see that the horse with the bell is always checking on the blind horse and that the blind horse will listen for the bell and then slowly walk to where the other horse is,so that he will not be left.   When the horse with the bell returns to the bam (畜棚) each evening,he will stop from time to time to look back,making sure that the blind friend isn’t too far behind to hear the bell.   Sometimes we are the blind horse,and at other times we are the guide horse,helping others to find their way.1. The bigger horse .   A. can't see anything   B. can't hear anything   C. can't walk   D. can't eat anything2. The smaller horse has a bell on his neck to .   A. let the owner know where he is   B. ear more grass   C. let the other horse follow him   D. make people listen to the sound3. is always looking for where the other horse is.   A. The owner   B. The horse with the bell   C. The blind horse   D. The barn4. Each evening,the two horses .   A. are in the fields   B. look for something to eat   C. return to the bam from the fields   D. live far from the village5. The passage mainly tells us .   A. the blind horse needs too much help   B. people should help others in trouble like the animals   C. the bell is very important for the blind horse   D. animals are kinder than people
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