
61. —How long does it take you to cook these potatoes? —It ________________(取决于) the size of them. (depend) 62. —Where were you at four o’clock yesterday afternoon? —We ____________(正在听) music at Linda’s house. (listen) 63. —I wish to study chess and now I’ve got it! —Oh, it’s wonderful! Your dream ____________(实现了) . (come) 64. —It’s important for us students to develop good habits. —And we should also learn ________________(如何对付) the bad ones. (deal) 65. —Look! I’ve chosen so many things here. —Do you know all these should _下列各句加点成语使用不正确一项是(     )(2分) (自编)(A) A.数学课上,老师提了个难的问题,我们面面相觑,不知道该怎么办? B.公园里一对对恋人相依相偎着,悄悄地交流着各自感兴趣的话题。 C.今天下午,泰州城雨过天晴,老街上花灯市场人声鼎沸,前来赏灯、购买花灯的市民和中外游客络绎不绝。 D.朝鲜不顾世界各国的反对,坚决进行“光明星3号”卫星发射,在国际社会引起了强烈的轩然大波。
英语 试题推荐