
The three sister of the Soong family received their further education in America and all the customs and cultures there had a very         influence on the way they lived and thought.        A.secure      B.significant C.appropriate      D.diverse 答案:B 下列词语中加粗的字,读音全都正确的一组是    [     ] A.歼(jiān)灭   笑餍(yè) 心广体胖(pàng) 喁喁(yú)私语 B.毗(pí)连 骁(xiāo)勇 不容置喙(huì) 估(jié)屈聱牙 C.臧否(pǐ) 箴(zhēn)言 悄(qiǎo)然落泪 一丘之貉(hé) D.聒(guō)噪 楔(qī)子 危如累(lěi)卵 畏葸(xǐ)不前
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