
校训是校园文化的重要组成部分,体现着一个学校的理想追求与办学特色,对于促进学生成才有着重要的意义。 (1)北京大学“爱国、进步、民主、科学”的校训,激励着一代又一代“北大人”在中国历史进步的洪流中发挥先锋作用。这说明( ) A.人民群众是历史的创造者     B.政治文明是现代化建设的根本目标 C.科学技术是第一生产力       D.人的素质的提高有赖于先进文化的建设 (2)清华大学的校训是“自强不息,厚德载物”。这对我16.Everyone has his derams of the future.But do you know (81)whatfuture really is?I think future is now.That is to say.we (82)musttreasure(珍惜) every minute and second.There is old English (83)saying."Gain time,gain life"Then  what is time?Time is something (84)that can't be seen or touched,but we feel it passing by.Time is always with us.We often say"Time is money".but it is more valuable (85)thanmoney,beacuse when money is spent.we can earn it back.But if time is gone (86)away.it will never return.That′s why we say time is priceless.Grasping the present is grasping the future.As students,we should work hard in (87)order to creat a bright future of own.We should (88)make the best use of every hour and be the master today.We should do everything as (89)possible.And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow.Time and tide (90)wait for no man.If you waste today,you will regret tomorrow.
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