
       Close your eyes and think of someone who has hurt you. The offence may be severe or small but deeply painful. He may be a stranger — the driver who caused your accident or someone who took your child. More likely, it is someone close and trusted. It may even be yourself.        Let all the anger and hurt you feel for that wrongdoer gradually come to the surface. Feel your heart beating quickly, your stomach churning (翻腾) and your thoughts racing in dark directions. OK, stop. Now, forgive the offender. Don’t just remember the bitterness, but wish him well and 如图,AO⊥BO,CO⊥DO,∠AOD与∠BOC的度数之比是4:5,则∠AOD的度数是(  )A.20°B.30°C.80°D.100°
英语 试题推荐