
口语应用 从下面的方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(有两项是多余的) W: Hello, Tom. Are you free tomorrow? A. She’s got long dark hair and she wears glasses. B. Does she carry anything easy to recognize? C. Can you help me to meet her at the airport? D. What’s the flight number? E. How does Kate think of China? F. At half past three tomorrow afternoon. G. Why does your sister come to China? M: Yes. Why? W: My sister will come from England tomorrow, but I’m busy with my school work. 1         M: Sure. What’s her name? W: Kate. M: Oh, wait a moment. 下列加点字注音有误的一项是 ( )A. 酝酿(niàng) 着落(zhuó) 嫩绿(nèn) 翻来覆去(fù)B. 黄晕(yūn) 静谧(mì) 棱镜(líng) 花枝招展(zhāo)C. 贮蓄(zhù) 憔悴(cuì) 粗犷(guǎng) 咄咄逼人(duō)D. 澄清(chéng) 吝啬(lìn) 沉寂(jì) 淅淅沥沥(lì)
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