
A: Did you and Rose have a good time last weekend?B: Yes.    1  A:    2  B: Yes, she was.A:    3  B: First we went to row in the park.A: That’s very exciting    4  B: Late we went to the theater to see the movie Love me Once More, Mom.   5  A: Li Dong also said it was very interesting. I will go to see it next Friday.A. What did youdo?                      B. Why were you unhappy?C. But waiting for her made me veryunhappy.   D. I also like to row.E. We went there bybus.                   F. It is wonderful.G. Was Rose late ag. 沙特阿拉伯东西两侧临海,气候却非常干燥,其原因是(  )A. 国土面积广大,工农业发达、耗水量太大B. 海水是咸的,从海洋上吹来的暖湿气流带来的降水也是咸的,不能用于生产和生活C. 地形以高原为主,北回归线穿过领土中部气候炎热,且位于亚欧大陆西部降水较少D. 境内河流湖泊太少,不利于降水的储存,且地势西高东低 C 【解析】试题分析:沙特阿拉伯地形以高原为主,海拔较高,高海拔阻挡了夏季风的深入,加之沙特阿拉伯位于北回归线附近,终年被副热带高气压控制,降水稀少,故选C。
英语 试题推荐