
用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,补充发明的时间、地点和发明者的信息。注意句子的语态。 1.The tea was first ________(drink) by Shen Nong nearly 5,000 years ago. 2.Cha Jing was ________(write) by Lu Yu,“the saint of tea”,during the Tang Dynasty. 3.According to Chinese history,kites were first ________(use)by Han Xin. 4.Abacus was ________(create) in China in the sixth century by a Chinese man. 5.Basketball was ________(invent) by a ________(Canada) doctor in the 19th century. 6.The jeans were first ________(make) by a young man called Levi8.如图所示,凸五面体ABCED中,DA⊥平面ABC,EC⊥平面ABC,AC=AD=AB=1,BC=$\sqrt{2}$,F为BE的中点.(1)若CE=2,求证:①DF∥平面ABC;②平面BDE⊥平面BCE;(2)若二面角E-AB-C为45°,求直线AE与平面BCE所成角.
英语 试题推荐