
任务型阅读It seems that today more and more girls like to dress like boys. Maybe they are following the example of Li Yuchun, the winner of the Super Girls contest in 2005.Kitty Deng is a 13-year-old from Shanxi. She has a boyish style. “I am like a boy and I am comfortable being this way,” says Kitty. “I think everybody should have a style according to his or her personality.”Liu Bing, from Liaoning, is also a tomboy (假小子). “I don’t wear skirts because I don’t look pretty in skirts,” says the 13-year-old kid. “I get my hair cut short because long hair makes m已知数列{an}是首项a1=4,公比q≠1的等比数列,Sn是其前n项和,且成等差数列. (1)求公比q的值; (2)求Tn=a2+a4+a6+…+a2n的值.
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