
新中国成立60周年庆典,总结出“高举旗帜,爱党爱国,昂扬向上,开放自信,敬业奉献,开拓创新,团结奋进,继往开来”的精神财富,它将成为鼓舞全国人民奋斗的精神动力。其中体现的哲理是(    ) A.意识对改造客观世界具有指导作用       B.社会意识不受社会存在的影响 C.社会历史的总趋势是前进、上升的       D.认识具有反复性用must,have to,should,may,can,shall的正确形式填空。 (1)You ought to buy some books,prices ______ go up in these days. (2)This old woman ______ be used to living without a car,isn't she? (3)My sister ______ wait outside because she left her key in the office. (4)—What ______ it be? —It can't be a desk,for it is moving,It must be a car. (5)—Is John coming by train? —He ______,but he may not.He likes driving his car. (6)It is cold in the room. ______ Tom close the door to keep the cold out?
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