
As a teacher,I think it is right to tell my students to write about their true feelings and real experiences.I always taught my students how to learn by experience.And I also found that it helped me a lot to get on well with the students.     One day after explaining a tex,I asked my students to write a passage about their families.I encouraged them to write about their real experiences with their closest family members.All the students wrote quite well but the best one of them was written by a little girl.She was Hao Fang.I was deeply moved by her story.In her passage如图所示为“制造云和雨”的实验装置,在一只加少许湿沙子的大烧杯口盖一只盘子,盘里放入一些冰块,给烧杯加热。则该实验中发生的物态变化有_______ 、_______ 、 ______________ 。
英语 试题推荐