
下列关于该图地区的叙述,不正确的是(  )A.麦哲伦海峡将本地区分成南北两部分B.世界最大平原和最大高原都在本区C.印第安人是本区最早的居民D.本区居民多数是混血种人,大多数国家通用西班牙语 答案:A解析:本题主要考查的是拉丁美洲的相关知识。拉丁美洲以巴拿马运河隔开,一部分为南美洲一部分为北美洲,世界最大平原亚马孙平原,最大高原巴西高原都在本区,印第安人是本区最早的居民,本区居民多数是混血种人,大多数国家通用西班牙语。7、Many people of my generation say that there is no hope for the future because of the way that young people behave today. Their first argument is that when we were __1__ we used to look after the older people in our community and help them. They also say that young people today don't care about anything or anyone. __2__, I think the reason why we looked after older people was that we had no __3__. People had to live with their parents and grandparents because they had no money. Young people today earn more and have more freedom to live where they want. __4__ this, I think that they are still interested in older people. For example, young people often __5__ to help me when I get on and off the bus with heavy shopping. Their second argument is that in our day we didn't __6__ to be given jobs —— and that young people now don't look for jobs, but just complain about unemployment. On the other hand, things were easier in the past and it was always easy to get a job __7__ you had friends and contacts. It is really harder today. Young people complain about unemployment and I think they have __8__ reason to complain. In conclusion I think there is __9__ for the future. This generation, like generations before them, has new __10__ as well as old problems. If they learn from our mistakes the world will be a better place in future. 1. A. ignorant         B. young                      C. childish                    D. innocent 2. A. Moreover             B. Meanwhile                C. Therefore                 D. However 3. A. trouble                 B. concept                    C. choice                      D. method 4. A. In addition to B. In spite of                 C. Due to                            D. As for 5. A. offer                    B. hesitate                     C. refuse                      D. mean 6. A. prepare                 B. regret                       C. decline                     D. expect 7. A. unless                  B. if                             C. until                         D. because 8. A. every                   B. no                            C. this                          D. another 9. A. possibility             B. feasibility                  C. hope                        D. result 10. A. events                B. questions                  C. hobbies                    D. opportunities
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