
下列各句中,没有语病的一句是 A.在南昌,这个工业园区颇为与众不同:它不仅金融.休闲等现代服务行业得到了较好的发展,而且工业产值也连续三年位居全省省级开发区前列。 B.国家七部委召开联席会议,进一步部署整治互联网低俗之风专项行动。截止到21日为止,已依法关闭了1250家传播淫秽色情和低俗内容的网站,删除网上色情和低俗信息320余万条。 C.重庆曾经“黑势力”横行,各行各业几乎都有黑势力的渗透,近来重庆掀起了“打黑风暴阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Nobody wants to be aged, but 【1】 it comes to visiting cities most of us want to visit the world’s oldest cities. Luoyang is one of the oldest and most 【2】 (attraction) cities in the world that I’d like to recommend to you.Luoyang stands out 【3】 the oldest continually inhabited city in Asia. The city is considered to be 【4】 birthplace of Chinese culture and history as well as being one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China. There 【5】 (be) no other city in China that has seen so many 【6】 (dynasty) like Luoyang.With such a long and exciting history, Luoyang has really a lot 【7】 (offer). The Longmen Grottoes, which 【8】 (include) on the World Heritage List in 2000, and many historic Buddhist temples 【9】 (constant) attract tourists from all over the world. Luoyang is also famous for the White Horse Temple, the earliest Buddhist temple 【10】 (establish) in China. Are you eager to visit the city?
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