
They may be just passing your office, computer bag slung (悬挂) over one shoulder. Or they may be sitting in a car outside it, causally tapping away at a laptop. They look like innocent passers-by. In fact, they are stealing your corporate secrets. Drive-by hacking is the trendy term given to the practice of breaking into wireless computer networks from outside the buildings that house them. A recent study in the UK, sponsored by RSA Data Security, found that two-thirds of organizations with wireless networks were risking their data in this way. Security experts patrolled (巡逻) se如图所示,在发射一颗质量为m的人造地球同步卫星时,先将其发射在离地面高度为h1的圆形轨道1上,再通过一椭圆轨道变轨后到达离地面高度h2(h2>h1)的预定圆形轨道2上,使其在为一颗地球人造同步卫星。已知它的圆形轨道1上做匀速圆周运动时的加速度为a1;地球半径为R.求该卫星在圆形轨道2上做匀速圆周运动的加速度a2和速度v2各是多大?
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