
Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (每题2分,共16分) 1.He set off on a cold ____ morning.(rain) 2.I have lost my pen. May I use ____?(you) 3.Edison is one of the greatest ____ in the world.(science) 4.The weather in London is ______, you should always take an umbrella with you. (change) 5.Mary lives on the _____ floor. (twelve) 6.Household appliance make our lives both easier and _____.(enjoy) 7.The teacher found an ______ mistake on Li’s paper. (correct) 8.Shrimp is a kind of _______. (sea)陶瓷茶杯底部放有一枚硬币,人移动到某一位置时看不见硬币(如图甲),往茶杯中倒入一些水后,又能够看见硬币了(如图乙)。造成“看不见”和“又看见了”的原因分别是A. 光的直线传播和光的折射B. 光的直线传播和光的反射C. 光的反射和光的折射D. 光的反射和光的直线传播
英语 试题推荐