
阅读下面的材料,根据要求作文。 有一个故事,说固执人、马大哈、懒惰者和机灵鬼四个人结伴出游,结果在沙漠中迷了路。这时他们身上带的水已经喝光,正当四人面临死亡威胁时,上帝给了他们四只杯子,并为他们祈来了一场雨。但这四只杯子有一只是没有底儿的,有两只盛了半杯脏水,只有一只杯子是拿来就能用的。 固执人得到的是那只拿来就能用的好杯子,但他当时已经绝望至极,固执地认为即使喝了水也走不出沙漠,下雨时他干脆把杯口(Mike is picking up the phone when Alice enters.) Alice:Are you phoning Linda? Mike:Yes.But how do you know? Alice:___⑴__ Mike:What did they say? Alice:__⑵___ Mike:What happened? Alice:___⑶__She had to go and take his place for three days. Mike:That's too bad. Alice:___⑷__ Mike:You see,I had arranged(安排)for us to have dinner with a friend tonight. Alice:__⑸___ Mike:Sure,why not? A.Isn't she your girlfriend? B.They said she had left for London. C.What's the problem? D.Her office left you a message. E.Why not invite me,then? F.They said they had phoned Linda. G.The manager at their office had suddenly fallen ill.
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