
词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 1. If you want keep fit, you should eat _______(little) fast food than before. 2. They love reading. They are ________(read) of your magazine; 3. Kitty enjoys cooking. She likes to cook _________(taste) meals at weekends. 4. People like going horse ____________(ride) in Inner Mongolia. 5. There _________(be) a lot of traffic on the city roads, but it got better later. 6. Our school football team played _________(bad) yesterday and lost the final. 7. I think his advice is ________(use), I don’t want to take it. 8. At the _______下图中的甲、乙两国都是太平洋中的岛国,甲国面积约38万平方千米,乙国面积约27万平方千米,回答下列问题。(11分) (1)图中甲、乙两国,比例尺较大的是              。(1分) (2)分析甲国东南部降水丰富的原因           ; 乙国南岛年降水量分布特点是                          ; 形成的原因是                   。(5分) (3)甲国发展农业生产的自然条件优势是                                                           (至少答三点);  乙国家畜牧业发展的自然条件优势是                             。(4分) (4)请从内力作用的角度,分析甲、乙两国多地质灾害的共同原因。(1分)              
英语 试题推荐