
The first MP4 player was born years ago. Soon many music fans were wondering how fantastic it is! If you have been into technology enough, perhaps you may have a knowledge of the MP4. If not, you do need to know something before buying one, even if you are familiar with MP3. MP3 is the CD-like disc with greater capacity. How about MP4? This small digital product will really enrich the joy from listening to music. You can even feel the “touch” of music to your soul!Now, some similar digital products advertised as “MP4 players” are simply MP3 players, which do not play video and MPEG for阅读下面这首清诗,完成下面小题。夜雨黄景仁潇潇冷雨洒轻尘,僵卧空斋百感新。旱久喜滋栽麦陇,泥深恐阻寄书人。希声或变中宵雪,贵价先愁来日薪。岁暮柴门寒较甚,可堪此夜倍思亲。(注)黄景仁:清代诗人,文学家,少年时即有诗名,乾隆三十三年(1768)为求生计开始四方奔波,一生穷困潦倒。【1】下列对这首诗理解和赏析不恰当的一项是A.本诗是一首感怀诗,诗人在凄冷的雨夜独守空斋,内心百感交集。B.全诗开头渲染了孤寂清冷的氛围,“百感”引出下文,奠定了全诗的感情基调,一个“新”字,表达出诗人快要见到家人书信的喜悦之情。C.颈联想象深夜的雨或许会变成雨夹雪,担忧第二天薪柴要涨价,自己的生活没有着落。D.尾联“柴门寒”“倍思亲”写出了诗人在这样的夜晚加倍想家,思念亲人;尤其岁暮天寒,更显凄凉。【2】全诗表达了诗人的哪些感情?请结合诗句简要分析。
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