
It was a Sunday afternoon and Sophie was searching her toy boxes. She   1   soft toys everywhere. “What’s going on?” asked Dad and Grandma. “Day 100 is coming up at school, and I need to find 100 things,” Sophie counted her soft toys. “Only 25. I would need 75 more!” Dad   2   coins in his pocket. “How about 100 coins?” “Lots of kids take coins.” “How about 100 cotton (棉花) balls?” said Grandma, holding up a bag of them. Sophie shook her head. “Christopher took cotton balls last year. It was a windy day, and half of them were blown out of the box o阅读下面这首诗,回答后面问题。 小园    黎简 水影动深树,山光窥短墙。 秋村黄叶满,一半入斜阳。 幽竹如人静,寒花为我芳。 小园宜小立,新月似新霜。 (1)诗的首联中哪个字用得最好?请简要赏析。(3分)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         (2)这首诗的后两联由物及人,请赏析诗中抒情主人公的形象特点。(4分)                                                                                                                                                           
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