
My dad is my hero because he is brave, skilled,and respectful. I know many people say their dads are their heroes, but my dad 41 me about becoming a man, which is 42 important for a young boy. Respect goes a long way with my dad, as does patience. As a(n)  43,my dad must 44 people every day,some of whom are nice and some are not. Either way,he 45    his well-mannered attitude. Dad is not afraid of many things, or if he is, he doesn’t tell me 46   he wants to seem tough. He may not be a big guy but since he works with his 47 all day, he is very strong. Dad works outdoors i写话练习。(小朋友们,你们了解自己的学习科目吗?试着写一写吧!)My school subjectsI have _____________ subjects at school. I like _____________. I don’t like _____________.
英语 试题推荐